
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Dosa Silam

Aku merupakan seorang manusia yang rugi lagi bodoh.. Mengapa aku kata begitu??? Aku adalah manusia yang selalu melakukan kesilapan yang sama tanpa henti. Dosa demi dosa terus aku miliki sehingga sekarang.

Setiap kali aku mahu mengubah diriku ke arah kebaikan, pasti datang sesuatu hasrat untuk melakukan dosa lagi. Dan aku melakukannya lagi.. Hari demi hari, minggu demi minggu, bulan berganti bulan, dan tahun silih berganti, aku masih lagi dalam keadaan lumuran dosa.

Terfikir aku dalam minda..."alangkah untungnya jika aku mati sejak kecil lagi, jika aku mati ketika itu, tidaklah aku menderita menanggung dosa" Mungkin ada sesuatu yang aku tidak tahu...apa yang Allah SWT merencanakan terhadap kehidupanku ini...

Tapi aku tidak boleh tunggu hidayah dari Allah..sebabnya mungkin ia datang atau tidak datang kepadaku. Aku perlu berusaha sendiri bagaimana caranya untuk aku, mengubah diri aku sendiri. Jikalau terlambat... nescayanya rugi dan celakalah yang aku dapat kerana matiku!!!bila-bila akan berlaku.

Pada masa ini penyesalan tiada guna lagi...tangisan dan jeritanku tidak akan dipedulikan oleh Tuhanku. Di dunia ni..lah tempat aku meratap, menangis dan menyesali segala dosa dan maksiat yang aku lakukan di dunia, ciptaanNya ini.


Talk Inventor Name: Gen
No. Matrix: AAAAA

Respondents: -
Name: Afifah
School: TTTTTT
Age: 15
Grade: 3 Piety

Question 1
If you have a friend who always do betrayed to you. One day, your friend, has been involved in an accident and at the time it was just you alone are at the scene. What action or response you?

I will help her as she remains my friend. Maybe when I helped him, he would stop making false to me and will be my best friend.

Through my analysis, based on the answers given by Afifah, he is a teenager who has kindliness, forgiving, positive thinking and not grudge to a friend who betrayed. For example, he was willing to help his friends who are involved in an accident, even though he's been betrayed by his friend.

Giligan moral theorizing, Afifah is already in the second stage of a great sacrifice. He began to see the interests of others more important than self-interest of the hurt feelings due to being betrayed by his colleague.

Question 2
If you have parents who are physically handicapped. One day your parents attending your school, do you feel embarrassed of your parents?

I am not ashamed of my parents, even though their physical disabilities they fixed my parents. As a child, I must respect and loving them.

Through my analysis, based on an answer, he was a good kid that obey and respect his parents, whether disabled or not his parents, he still respects and love my parents and no sense of shame when his parents came to open ceremonies at the school.

In addition, through moral theory Giligan, Afifah has entered the third stage of the responsibility that does not destroy others. In my opinion, if he does not respect and love my parents, either parent normal or physical disabilities. He will be a child who disobeys his parents and nettle,  feeling that was keeping her parents during childhood. Therefore he must respect and that his parents love either forced or with sincere hearts. Through my research study, this Afifah loving, respect and sincere parents who come from instinct as a righteous son.

In conclusion
This is a teen Afifah good moral, forgiving, caring and concerned. He may be the result of such moral background of his family his father was a pious Imam, pious, piety and asceticism. This, of course, influence the formation of moral Afifah. As a father of course he will teach his son about religious knowledge and show good for viewing by children. Plus he is a student of religious upbringing environment and of course got a good moral cultivation of morality.

Social Research For Children

Aspect From the Biology

Based on our study of children aged six years and above, they have different biological levels. This can be seen through the temperament of children that we review active mostly except for one. For example, children in the category of 40% easy child, 7, and 1 person in the category of 15% slow to warn up. In the category of 40% easy child, the child is easily interact, cheerful, accept environmental changes and new situations. They are also interested in the new situation as easy to cooperate with our presence. While a child is in the category of 15% slow to warm up, he has a moderate level of reaction to situations and experiences.

In another aspect of biology, can be seen through the cognitive development of children 6 years that we review it according to the preoperative level 2-7 years presented by Jean Piaget's theory that they were able to use symbolic representation in the environment and interpret a use of the word . For example, when we show such symbols as the symbol of the toilet, they can translate the symbols with the correct word.

Moreover, our study results indicate the development of logical thinking they belong from the series (seriation) where we gave pencils of different sizes and lengths, they can arrange according to their length pencil correctly. However, in terms of mathematics children 6 years there is a way to distinguish the quantity of mass or volume of water and some are not able to distinguish. This occurs because the child is still in the development of logical thinking in the series (seriation) and conservation.

Principles of Social Work in Professional Help

Explain the principles of the social work profession needs to be in helping

In the course of instruction there are various definitions of social work, one of which is social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and society to improve social sejahateraan. Social work is also intervene in an environment interactions. In other contexts, the social work professional conduct means in helping individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to broaden the amount of functionality and the maintenance of social and create the conditions required to reach the community their ambitions. Based on this definition, we can conclude that social work is a job to finish and deal with various kinds of problems associated with humans and their environment. The aim is to enable individuals, families, groups, organizations or communities problematic develop and produce a new spirit strength to continue their lives. In other words, social work proficiency levels are professionalised is giving full commitment in solving a human problem and change their environment. Therefore, the social worker is the agent paradigm shift in the lives of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

To become a social worker proficiency levels are professionalised, one must practice and practice what they have learned during their study in any of the science center either at the University or University College. In addition, social workers must also adhere to and in accordance with the principles of social work in the helping professions to become a social worker really proficiency levels are professionalised. Therefore, the principles of social work should be identified in detail to ensure that social workers carry out tasks with proficiency levels are professionalised and have different ways of solving clever.

Among the principles of the social work profession needs to have in helping the human dignity or the dignity of the human person. Dignity is a moral ethical basis of society. As a social worker, they should respect the dignity of existence because all individuals have self-esteem. In addition, social workers must treat anyone troubled by the nature of client empathy, caring, and with the utmost confidentiality. Although our client had different religions, races and cultures, their dignity must be upheld. Besides, we also can not insult our clients involved with social problems such as sex, drug users, people living with HIV and others, and humans have the honor and dignity that we must guard. This is so because we are an independent body exercise which is to solve problems that involve the violation of human dignity of individuals or groups, particularly the political parties to honor someone is mocked. This is so because the evil politicians often discriminate and insult other political supporters in the interest of their evil. There are several theories related to human dignity as human stating Kantian theory has "intrinsic value, ie, dignity" that make them valuable '"above all price." "On the other hand, other animals because animals have value sejuah where they serve human purposes. James Rachels. 1986. Random House. The Elements of Moral Philosophy. [23 September 2012].

The second principle of social work in the helping professions is empathy. In the fourth edition of the dictionary hall, empathy means the dive and understand the feelings or emotions of others. Institute of Language and Libraries (DBP). 2008. Malay Literary Reference Center. Search PRPM @ DBP Malaysia. (28 September 2012). In other words, to become a social worker must have proficiency levels are professionalised nature of empathy in himself. This is so because, empathetic nature will make us easier to be sensitive to the feelings of sensitive client but unable to control emotional empathy yourself. To produce this nature we must put empathy or imagination, how feelings of self. If this situation happens to ourselves either feel sad, frustrated, angry, or interfere with mental stress. According to some western leaders view of empathy as Alfred Adler mentioned empathy as acceptance of other people's feelings and to put ourselves in the place of that person. Empathy means that other people feel the situation to feel the depth of his feeling person. Dhamas. Empathy: A Resonance From feeling. [28 September 2012].

The third principle of social work in the helping professions is solidarity. In the context of the unifying language is a process that unites members of the societies and the whole country through the national ideology, so that every member of the community to form a common identity and shared values ​​among them. Education Portal. 2002. E-Tuition. Domestic Policy: Unity. [30 September 2012]. In the context of social cohesion, the means of communication brings people together in a given society. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 2012. Article. Social cohesion. [10 October 2012]. This will ultimately lead us to understand that unity brings us to one human family, whatever our country though, ethnic, economic, and ideological. Therefore, one has recognized that care ethics are interdependent in every aspect of human experience, including the family, society, community and global dimension. Therefore, we as social workers need to understand the relationships among the community is an important vehicle for change towards social cohesion and to prevent the outbreak of racial tension in this country. Therefore, we as social workers must work to strengthen relationships with clients and the community to promote the prosperity and well-being at all levels. Next, the seeds of unity are fertile and able to produce a peaceful and prosperous country.

The fourth principle of social work in the helping profession is a commitment. Commitment means attitude (stand or act) which provides full energy and attention or they show support and determination solely on a determination. Malay Literary Reference Center (PRPM). (3 October 2012). Attitude is an important commitment to maintain social justice and well-being of all members of society. For the social worker's proficiency levels are professionalised principle commitment must be used in a balanced way with the situation situation. This is so, because we may be faced with a client that can harm other members of society. For example, we are dealing with clients who have schizophrenia. This client is definitely the high mental pressure may be caused by genetic factors passed through generations or extreme stress, such as poverty, stress from learning or physical and mental abuse faced by them. With this situation, we have to be smart to play with the psychology of the client. If psychology is not used effectively and may be harmful to us or others, we must use a third party such as a hospital for further treatment. In this way, it is not cruel or violate the principles and ethics of social work because safety is more important than the client.

The fifth principle of social work in the helping professions is to give or share knowledge and skills to the client. This principle must be used by social workers in any situation or condition of a client. This is so because, given the knowledge and skills to the client, some of the clients get the service that can solve the problems faced by it. For example, a social worker solve problems that deal with a client's financial position. This client is a single mother who has just lost her husband and she had to bear five children who are still studying. Single mothers have experienced mental stress too much about the future due to his son because he did not have any knowledge and skills to find work. So as social workers we must give him guidance on how to solve this problem. Either by giving him the skills or find employment opportunities to him. In addition, look for financial assistance from the government, private or non-governmental organizations at the rates required and the amount of aid money that has accumulated. With this principle, of course, a single mother problem was solved, although not completely, but it remains proficiency levels are professionalised. With this knowledge and the skills can be shared and used for the benefit of communities facing social problems.

The sixth principle of social work in the helping professions is to appreciate the difference that exists between client and personal characteristics or differences inherent in us. This may lead to hate nature to clients related to religion, race, culture, different political trends or personal problems that are associated with the client. This attribute implicitly exist in every human person, but there are very few who can not control nature because they lack the knowledge to control his emotions. Until the nature of discrimination exist in resolving issues related to social problems and lead to social injustice. Therefore, we as social workers should not be prejudice to the client because each client must have human values ​​inherent in them. Therefore, we as humans must feel what he felt. If we are in the situation they are sure we feel ourselves we also in the persecuted and human rights have been discriminated against. Therefore, we should remove this attribute to create a real social justice.

Finally, in helping professions there are a variety of social work principles to be observed by social workers as human dignity, empathy, solidarity, commitment, sharing their knowledge and skills to the client and others. This principle, must be held firmly by the social worker in the profession to help a client. This is so because we are going to meet with various characters both in terms of client problems, personal characteristics, culture, race and religion. If we do social work task without staying true to the principles of social work course work that we do not achieve the goal of real. For example, a social worker to do the job not as a person but as a volunteer professionals sometimes act without sticking to the principle of social work. This will give rise to a variety of bad perspective client or community against the execution of the task of social workers' rights and human dignity and social justice. Ancient Malay proverb says, "due to a drop of indigo, spoiled milk in a pot". Therefore, to be a social worker proficiency levels are professionalised in helping profession we must practice and practice the principles of social work is that social justice can be served properly.

The story Mulan

One night at the Great Wall of China, a soldier patrol was attacked by the Huns. The soldiers rushed up to the tower and ignite the fire alarm. after the signal arrived from General Li to the emperor of China, namely Pat Morita. General Li suggested that the army must make defense around but opposed by the emperor's palace to instruct General to mobilize the army to protect the people.

Meanwhile, Fa Mulan farm girl busy with the preparations for the trials fiance imposed by the matchmaker, but he failed the test. Fa Mulan chance to home in frustration while his father, Fa Zhou gave him words of passion. Suddenly, the emperor to exert energy adviser war, every family man. Mulan's father is not an exception even though he was paralyzed on one foot.

Mulan did not have the heart to feel if his father who is paralyzed, went to war. therefore, he took over from his father quietly taking notice deployments and convert with bun. Mulan went after leaving his home, grandmother woke up and knew that Mulan was not in the house. Her grandmother praying to ancestors of King ancestors. The progenitor woke from sleep and continue to turn a dragon Mushu which is small.

Mushu is directed by surprise ancestral progenitor general so that other fathers and turn the stone dragon general for Mulan invited back to the village to save the good name of the Fa family but inadvertently, Mushu dragon stone broke. The ancestors of the King inquired about the dragon Mushu general stone, whether it is on or not. Therefore, Mushu the Dragon Stone posing as the King for fear of being punished by ancestors of the King.

Mushu confounded what he needs to do. when cri kee give an idea to suddenly come one other idea in mind that want to make Mulan Mushu as a war hero so he can get back his job as a guardian. Mushu and Mulan track CRI Kee agreed to make Mulan a hero.

After cri Kee Mushu and Mulan and Mushu see the background and reason tells him to come to Mulan. After that, he initiated the beginning of a teaching Mulan Mushu to act like a hero when in the army camps and posing as the son of Fa Zhou Ping. At the military camp, 3 soldiers of Yao, Chien-Po and Ling doing injustice to Mulan. This is because Mulan who start fights with Yao and thus all soldiers fighting in the camp.

In the camp, Captain Li who train soldiers in various ways so that the army could be strong warriors but in Mulan training session that he has failed to show a warrior and Mulan is directed back to the village. One night, Mulan wants to show he is a strong warrior to climb poles using 2 plates of weights before he and all the other forces failed in the test, but on that night Mulan climbing pole until morning and he managed to take the arrow on top of the post said. after that, Mulan can join the army back and three soldiers who had done injustice to her, began.

The way to the battlefield, Captain Li and all forces see all the armed forces under General Li was defeated and died. Captain Li without fear continue to exercise towards the battlefield. Li captain of the armed forces have been attacked as a result of gun carriage that carried by Mulan suddenly exploded. Li captain ordered his army to save the dragon cannon in a burning chariot.

Army captain Li started the counter attack with artillery and captain Li directs keep a gun but Hun army comes more and more to not be defeated. with Mulan hurriedly take the gun and shoot the snow-covered mountains. avalanche took place next to many soldiers died Hun submerged in an avalanche.

Mulan fainting due to injury during the war. this made known the identity of the physician and captain Li during the treatment and Mulan must be beheaded but captain Li said in response to the debt lives life as Mulan has saved his life. Therefore, Mulan was left alone because she can not join the military.

During Mulan, Mushu and cri-Kee to go home, see some soldiers Mulan and Hun chief is still alive and heading towards the palace. Mulan has decided to go to the palace and told the Captain Li about Hun army in the castle but not on ignore, so Yao, Chien-Po and Ling. they no longer believe in Mulan, Mulan Despite telling the truth.

Captain Li during an audience with Emperor suddenly come Hun army and continue to kidnap and confine emperor china in a room and lock the door of the castle. captain Li and his army can not do anything because the door is too strong castle. After that, Mulan come and give ideas to military Yao, Chien-po and Ling as a concubine palace and enter through the palace balcony to climb poles. Hun army was trapped Mulan acted deceitfully and invincible. Chief Hun died when hit by a firework rocket fired by Mushu.

Mulan was honored by the Emperor of China and followed by thousands of people. Offered the position of adviser Mulan Mulan postpone Emperor but because he wanted to go home. Emperor of China has given awards to Mulan, Mulan has helped as a sign of China. after Mulan back, that his father was so happy that her son is still alive. Next, the captain Li came to the house because she wanted to apply Mulan Mulan.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Syair Yang Membuatkan Imam Ahmad menangis


Syair Yang Membuatkan Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal menangis

Jika Tuhanku bertanya pada ku...
Tidak malukah kau bermaksiat kepada-Ku

Kau sembunyikan dosa mu dari makhluk-Ku...
dan datang pada-Ku dengan penuh dosa

Bagaimana aku nak jawab..
Duhai diriku yang malang...
Dan siapakah yang dapat menyelamatkan aku?

Aku terus menyogok jiwaku dengan impian dan harapan
Dari semasa ke semasa

Dan aku melupakan apa yang bakal dihadapi selepas mati..
Dan apa yang akan berlaku selepas aku dikafankan

Seolah-olah aku ini telah dijamin untuk hidup selamanya..
Seakan mati tidak akan menemuiku

Dan telah datang padaku sakaratul maut yang ngeri..
nah! Siapa sekarang yang mampu melindungiku?

Aku melihat pada wajah-wajah...
Adakah ada diantara mereka yang akan menebusku?

Akanku disoal apa yang telah aku lakukan di dunia untuk menyelamatkan diri ini? 
Maka bagaimana aku hendak jawab setelah aku mengabaikan urusan agamaku?

Celakanya aku! apakah aku tak mendengar ayat-ayat Allah yang menyeruku?
Adakah aku tak dengar apa yang diberitakan didalam surah Qaaf dan Yaasin?

adakah aku tak dengar tentang hari dikumpulkan manusia,
hari perhitungan dan hari ad-deen(qiyamah)

Adakah aku tak dengar panggilan ajal maut, menyeru dan menjemput ku?
Maka Ya Rabb! seorang hamba datang bertaubat,

Siapa yang dapat melindunginya?
Melainkan Tuhan Yang Maha Luas PengampunanNya dan Yang Maha Membimbingku pada kebenaran

Aku telah datang pada Mu maka kasihanilah daku dan beratkan timbangan (kebaikan) ku
Dan ringankan (percepatkan) hisabku kerana Engkaulah yang terbaik dalam penghisaban